To do or not to do... And that, my sweet, is the question!
Published on March 3, 2004 By MizJinxz In Welcome
New blog. Am new to this. Dont exactly know what to say here... the day is over... the night it is young. and i'm bored. So what else is different huh? just finished a test i did not study for. actually i dont even know where my notes are. hell and the devil.. who cares?
on Mar 03, 2004
May I be the first to formally welcome you to I hope you enjoy blogging here and interacting with the community that is starting to develop here.

I wish you all the best

Sir Peter Maxwell
on Mar 03, 2004
OH my gosh, ignore that ignorant sob. He just works everyone's nerves and he thinks he runs the site. You, though, may find him entertaining, as do some. That's the beauty of blogging, lot of different perspectives!

Hope to hear more from you soon.

All the best,
